Luxury Store
Your favorite luxury store for all your needs in affordable prices.

Trusted Seller
A brand of trust, LLC registered in Canada.

Global Shipping
Free shipping worldwide within 7-14 Days.

24/7 Support
We are available for all your queries 24/7.
Clone Dude LLC was founded by Elizabeth Paul in 2018. We realized that thought of owning an authentic luxury designer handbag or any other product, such Louis Vuitton or Hermes is just a dream to many luxury lovers with price tags reaching thousands. We also know that many fake bags with same price as real ones are available all around the world, and we’ve seen the cheap knock offs available at street markets throughout the world, but they don’t even look like a luxury bag. They are often made with cheap material and dull metal hard ware.
To luxury lovers, it maybe a nightmare to try to choose a product with high performance cost ratio. Here, replicazshop.net prides itself on replicating authentic designer products to a mirror image quality. The products we create are meticulously crafted by our skilled artisans, with every detail replicated to the original products which we do indeed purchase from authentic designer boutiques.
We have been sharing designer products of high quality to every friend from the world and have successfully completed 12k+ orders online since 2018. If you’d like to join our international client list, simply browse our website replicazshop.net and find a luxury product that you wish to purchase, it will be with you in a matter of days. We are constantly curating fresh new collections and looking for the next big thing our customers will love. We are proud to be your favorite Clothing Shop that you can rely on for our expert service and care.
Our Mission is to make a difference in world by providing top class luxury which is affordable for everyone and is durable.
Our Vision is to change the way our society connects with the fashion industry by providing our customers with products that are ethically and responsibly sourced.
Our Products are designed by our top class artisans who strive hard to make everything exact similar to the authentic one in sense of quality and design both. All of our products are manufactured under the strict supervision of our Quality checks to make sure our customers get the best!
+1 786 2977726
Office: 7337 W. Clinton St., Lutz, FL 33549.
Warehouse: Dong Feng Dong Lu 850hao Jin Cheng Da Xia 1501-1502 , Guangzhou China.
Boutique: Hua Yuan Lu 118long 9hao 301, Shanghai China.
Any query? Feel free to contact us.